
10th July 2020
The link to sign up to Kooth for free


Watch the Kooth video here...


Introducing Kooth

A new online mental wellbeing community for children and young people in Northumberland. 

As the UK lockdown measures are easing, now more than ever, we need to be alert to signs that our children may be experiencing anxiety, depression or low mood. Many children and young people have remained at home, isolated from their friends and potentially feeling left out. In response to this, NHS Northumberland Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) has introduced a new digital package of mental health support for Children and Young people in Northumberland called Kooth.  Professionals can refer children and young people into Kooth’s free, confidential and anonymous online support and counselling service which includes self-help resources, magazine articles, links to crisis support, safeguarded and monitored live drop-in sessions and also 1-1 scheduled counselling with qualified professionals.  Children and young people can receive up to six sessions of counselling support from Kooth before either moving on, or in some cases being escalated to the CNTW CYPS service where needed.  Children and young people can also self-refer into the service.  Kooth is accessible through any device with internet access, including; laptop, smart phone, or tablet.

Jonny Cardwell, consultant community paediatrician and child health lead for NHS Northumberland CCG talks more about what we can expect to see from Kooth in this You Tube clip.